Browsing Category Works

An Honest Heart

If the preacher gives a disproportionate place in his ministry to the Divine Law, relegating the Gos­pel to the background, not only are his hearers in danger of forming a one­-sided concept of the Divine character but the Christian is deprived of that which is most needed for the establishing and growth of his faith in Christ.

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January 1928 Studies in the Scriptures Editorial

Let this be our watchword for the New Year: “we seek one to come” Seek it by faith, with singleness of purpose; seek it in hope, by blessed anticipation, a hope that shall not make ashamed: seek it in love with our hearts set upon it; seek it as strangers and pilgrims on earth, “for they that say (by their actions) such things declare plainly that they seek a Country” (Heb. 11:14).

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