If the preacher gives a disproportionate place in his ministry to the Divine Law, relegating the Gospel to the background, not only are his hearers in danger of forming a one-sided concept of the Divine character but the Christian is deprived of that which is most needed for the establishing and growth of his faith in Christ.
Posts Published by The Arthur W. Pink Archive
“The Churches of God” (1 Thess 2:14)
From Studies in the Scriptures, December 1927, (Vol. VI, No. 12), Pages 277-281 The ignorance which prevails in Christendom today concerning the truth about the Churches of God is deeper and more general than error on…
From Studies in the Scriptures, May 1936, (Vol. XV, No. 5), Pages 156-159 It is the bounden duty of all who hear the Gospel to savingly trust in Christ, otherwise their rejection of Him would…
Vale Richard P. Belcher [1934-2020]
Early last month, on January 3, 2020, Richard Paul Belcher, 85, of Fort Mill, South Carolina, went to be with the Lord. Belcher was a well-known author, authoring many books including Journey in Grace, Ministry…
Assurance: Unpublished Correspondence of A. W. Pink
Published in Reformation Today (Nov-Jan 1972-3), iss. 12, 25-29. The problem of “assurance” may be summed up in the question: “How can I be certain I am saved?” Because of confused teaching on the subject, many believers…
January 1928 Studies in the Scriptures Editorial
Let this be our watchword for the New Year: “we seek one to come” Seek it by faith, with singleness of purpose; seek it in hope, by blessed anticipation, a hope that shall not make ashamed: seek it in love with our hearts set upon it; seek it as strangers and pilgrims on earth, “for they that say (by their actions) such things declare plainly that they seek a Country” (Heb. 11:14).
Letter to Colemans (07/1946)
Greetings in the blessed Name of Him who says, “I would have you wise unto that which is good and simple (uninformed and unacquainted – the opposite of “wise”) concerning evil.” (Rom. 16:19). I wonder if you have ever pondered the second clause or sought to ascertain what it signifies and implies?
The Divine Love (Unpublished Sermon)
The first thing to be considered in regard to these 3 passages is of whose love do these verses treat. Are they speaking of God’s love for His people, or for their love to & for Him?